We are the premier flight simulation community of Indonesia.
Our mission is bold - we promote aviation in Indonesia as an object of passion and fascination within our community.
We are proud to be VATSIM's first official partner from Indonesia!
We are a flight simulation group, not a real airline, and we are not affiliated with the real-world Garuda Indonesia.
{ pirep.dpt_airport.name } ({ pirep.dpt_airport.icao }) to { pirep.arr_airport.name } ({ pirep.arr_airport.icao })
Ground Speed: { pirep.position.gs }
Altitude: { pirep.position.altitude }
Heading: { pirep.position.heading }
Status: { pirep.status_text }
Flight Time: { pirep.flight_time | time_hm }
Distance: { pirep.position.distance.nmi }
{ pirep.planned_distance.nmi }
VATSIM is a global network for flight simulator users with more than 100k members.
IDvACC is the Indonesian section of the VATSIM Network, where we fly a lot!
Aldo Mampir is a popular Indonesian content creator in the flight simulation community.
Gabut Simulations is a highly skilled livery painter. Check our their Garuda 737 pack on their website!